Wednesday, April 18, 2007


Welcome to my world!
I guess I should give readers a little background information about myself:

I'm 24, from a relatively small town in Iowa and moved to Dayton, Ohio in mid-January 2007.....right after my first semester of graudate school. It was a career opportunity too good to pass up that led me to where I am now.

I don't make people a priority when they only make me an option. I'm completely enjoying every aspect, minute, and detail of my life. I work, I eat sometimes, I drink 1-5 glasses of wine (depending on the day I had), I sleep a couple hours when I can and then I get up and do it again. More often than not, I'm overcaffinated and running to or from a meeting, dealing with production issues, and/or customer demands. When I'm not working...well, I'm either at bally's working out, shopping, discovering my inner "Martha Stewart", perfecting my culinary skills, discovering everything that this place has to offer me, mastering my bartending skills, and having a good time with great friends.

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